Joint Statement on Month of Actions in Defense of the Indian People and Their Vanguard CPI (Maoist)

Joint Statement on Month of Actions in Defense of the Indian People and Their Vanguard CPI (Maoist)

    On 16 April 2024, at least 29 Indian comrades became immortal. Since then many more comrades have joined them. They paid the highest price a communist can pay, in the struggle between the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) and the fascist Indian state forces. These comrades gave their life in defense of the oppressed and poor masses of India suffering under “Operation Kagar”. This fascist offensive is claimed to be a war against just the Communist Party of India (Maoist) (henceforth CPI(Maoist)) to create a “new India” by 2047, but in reality, it is a war against the people and their party CPI (Maoist).

This coincides with an advancement of the war against the people of India. No matter what evils the Indian state unleashes, the masses in arms will condemn this initiative to the same dustbin as Operation Green Hunt, Operation Samadhan, and Operation Prahar which preceded it. Each of these was a fascist and blood soaked “Operation” intended to crush the armed struggle of the Indian people. Each was in turn, defeated by the people and their army, before being withdrawn as a failure by the state. We salute the brave members of the CPI(Maoist) and PLGA and uphold their martyrs as our own.

Another component of “Operation Kagar” is the constant and ever spreading menace of using British colonial era laws such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act which allows the jailing without bail of anyone who the police choose to label as “urban Naxals” or as being Maoists. The prisons of India overflow with the masses and all those who dare even to put pen to paper to say “This fascist government must go!”

In response to the accelerating fascist catastrophe playing out in India, several calls have been issued requesting solidarity with the Indian people. These include calls from The CPI(Maoist), The Revolutionary Student Front – India, and the International Communist League. The first of these calls begins “The Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) makes an ardent appeal to comrades and friends of the Indian Revolution abroad, to take up several programs and actions against “Operation Kagaar”.” The Revolutionary Student Front – India has also advanced calls for the end of “Operation Kagaar”, the release of political prisoners, among others. Finally, in a similar vein, the International Communist League called for a week of actions with the same goals at the beginning of May. This week has passed us, but we still have the opportunity to properly respond to the call put out by our comrades in India. In solidarity with the masses of India and out of deep proletarian internationalism we answer this call.

Towards this end, we announce two declarations. First, we affirm our shared commitment to the basic core principles carried out by the CPI (Maoist) in their People’s War. Principles like the universality of revolutionary violence as the midwife of a new society, and the struggle for New Democracy in the colonies and semi-colonies.

The latter being necessary in oppressed nations as it is able to complete democratic tasks left pending which weigh down like 3 great mountains on the back’s of the people. The party accomplishes these democratic tasks under the direction of the proletariat in an alliance with the peasantry in order to put forth a proletarian agrarian program that sweeps away feudalism, destroys bureaucrat capitalism, and kicks out all imperialists. From this basis, the communist party leads an uninterrupted struggle for New Democracy through to a socialist revolution and the ascending spiral of Cultural Revolutions all the way to glorious Communism.

Second, The Revolutionary Study Group announces it will be holding a month of actions and events beginning on 26th of June and ending on July 20th. We call on all comrades and allies to join us in sending a resounding message of support for the CPI(Maoist) and our opposition to the Indian Government’s fascist war against the people!



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